HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences <div id="i-scholarabout"><img class="media-object" style="width: 222px; float: left; margin: 0px 35px 15px 20px;" src="" /> <p><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong> Dr. S. K. Jayanthi<br /><strong>Online ISSN:</strong> 2349-8900<br /><strong>Print ISSN:</strong> 2349-4778<br /><strong>Frequency:</strong> Biannual<br /><strong>Publishers:</strong> Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous)<br /><strong>Published Since:</strong> 2014</p> <br />HuSS is a Refereed Journal and also reviewed by the Editorial Board. The articles are strictly scanned for plagiarism check before final acceptance. HuSS publishes original papers, reviewed articles, empirical research, case studies, conceptual frame work and analytical models in the disciplines of English Language and Literature History including Archaeology, Anthropology and Political Science Commerce Business Management Economics.</div> Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous) en-US HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2349-4778 Use of Mobile Apps in Teaching and Learning <p>Learning English has become an important part of schooling. Vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. Hence having a good vocabulary is important for efficient communication. But it is hard and stressful to learn a foreign language. Also, learning new words in English is often seen as an unexciting activity and students may not be motivated enough to stick their heads around it. This study analyses available mobile game-based English vocabulary practice systems that involve choosing words based on textbook passages. The students are incentivised with badges and certificates for levelling up through higher difficulty ratios and mastering learning portfolios. The goal is to encourage and increase interest in learning English. The system’s learning activities change vocabulary learning from a monotonous process of memorising words to a fun game. This helps learners remember words and become more familiar with words that are used in the curriculum. This paper talks about the approaches to enhancing vocabulary using mobile technology and lists out important applications that can be used to teach and learn vocabulary. The interests, needs, and learning goals of students are also kept in mind while choosing these apps. Even though many students know how to use apps, they may need help learning how to use vocabulary apps effectively and strategically. The focus of the paper is to achieve the aforementioned feat of learning more and achieving student goals in a shorter span with enhanced efficiency taking the aid of technology.</p> D. Ronald Hadrian Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 39 44 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45601 Seasons and Foliage in Milton Paradise Lost (Book IX) <p>The paper deals with the herbage and the season that would have prevailed in the times of Adam and Eve and their subsequent fall. The scanty sources available in the text have been used to bring out the climate of the period. The flowers, trees, and bushes in the text help the study to conjecture the climate of the times. Though certainty eludes, speculation animate.</p> S. Subramanian Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 45 47 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45602 History Unexplored - Sardar Velappanaidu’s Role in Freedom Struggle <p>India is a vast country with a diverse range of customs and cultures. The construction of India’s history involves a substantial amount of regional history. Even though India has now celebrated 75 years of independence, Azadi Ka Amit Mahotsav, the younger generation is still unaware of the local freedom fighters who also played a crucial role in setting India free. Therefore, it is essential to review, restore, and document the part played by every Indian region during various stages of the freedom movement, as well as to inspire the next generation with a new zeal and passion and to reconstruct an extensive history. In an attempt to trace the freedom fighters of our region, we the researchers were able to identify the lesser-known freedom fighter Vellapa Naidu of Guruvappanayakkanur, in Udumalpet Taluk. An attempt is made to bring into the limelight the invaluable contribution of Vellapa Naidu towards national Independence. In the present work, a sincere effort has been made to portray the instrumental role of Vellapa Naidu in propagating Gandhian principles and strengthening the freedom struggle from its regional and local perspectives.</p> S. Shenbagavalli P. Kalaivani Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 49 53 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45603 The Glorious Teachers of Vikramshila <p>Vikramshila calls for resuscitation, for the past eight centuries. There had been a division of opinion regarding its correct location, but there was no difference regarding its fame and effulgence. Like a bright diamond, it shines even amidst rebels. Now the location is proven through excavations. From Taranaths’s account, the greatest probability was at Colgong and not at Silao. S. C. Das and a host of others were inclined to accept it near Patharghata hills at Colgong, a few kilometres east of Bhagalpur, where the Ganges, takes a northerly turn and where Taranath’s descriptions proved accurate. But history is no more sheer worship of Cleo, it is also the time endeavouring to be exact. The truth about Vikramshila lies hidden in the womb of Mother Earth: to the industrious researcher she is whirling to unveil herself, this excavation adds one more feather to the cultural heritage, of which India has an inexhaustible store, ready to reveal herself in her finest glories and glorious teachers.</p> Reeta Mishra Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 55 59 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45604 Factors Affecting the Utilization of E-instalment Administration by Women at Virudhunagar City <p>The improvement in Data and Correspondence Innovation (DCI) has a wide impact on the business climate that prompts a change from money-based instalment framework to a computerized instalment framework/electronic instalment framework. E-instalment is an indispensable piece of web-based business and the progress of online business relies upon the adequacy of e-instalment frameworks. E-instalment is more advantageous and simpler to utilise. The client can pay for labour and products from any region of the planet. The current review expects to investigate the degree of agreement of women respondents towards e-instalment administrations and the variables impacting the women respondents to utilize e-instalment administrations. The review is bound exclusively to women respondents. However, there are different administrations accessible for e-instalments which focus on Electricity Board bill instalment, portable re-energize, Direct To House re-energize and instalment of LIC premium.</p> B. Kokila G. Ram Raj Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 61 64 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45605 Customers’ Attitude towards Cashless Transactions at Salem District <p>Cashless transactions encourage and support people in numerous dimensions. Now-a-days, cashless transactions are used by most of the people in society due to its countless benefits. However, some people hesitate to use cashless transactions due to the risk involved in the transactions. Hence, an attempt is made to study the customer’s attitude towards the usage of cashless transactions. The data has been collected by using convenience sampling technique. The size of the sample is 70. The primary data has been collected through a structured questionnaire from the respondents of the Salem district. For analyzing the primary data, statistical tools namely mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test are used with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software. The study has found that cashless transactions are the fastest and most convenient.</p> R. Brinda Shree S. K. Kamarudeen Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 65 69 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45606 Assessment of Happiness and Quality of Life – An Empirical Study with Special Reference to Anugraha Fashion Mill Private Limited, Tirupur <p>Happiness and Quality of life are inevitable in every human life. The ultimate goal of each creature in the world would be to lead a happy and comfortable life. The research has been undertaken with the main aim of knowing the happiness and quality of life. The study has been conducted among 100 white collared employees working in Anugraha Fashion Mill Private Limited, Tirupur. The study is descriptive in nature and adopts a simple random sampling method for data collection. The data is analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 22.0 and the tools employed are correlation and linear regression. The results show that whenever age increases, the contribution of social support to happiness also increases and the output of the ‘R square’ value of the linear equation indicates that 1.2% changes in the contribution of social support to happiness are accounted for by age of the respondents. Lastly, whenever age increases, the contribution of work culture to quality of life also increases. The study concluded by recommending the management to provide sufficient social support, and improved work culture to the employees for the mutuality of interest.</p> B. Shanthini Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 71 76 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45607 A Study on Consumers’ Opinion Towards Entrepreneurial Spirit of the Royal Enfield Company <p>Entrepreneurship plays a dominant role in building a nation. The entrepreneurial traits help in the success of a business. Every entrepreneur must possess certain qualities that enable to devise a strategy in project implementation. The increase in entrepreneurs will help in the development of people, their standard of living, and sustenance. The most important entrepreneurial trait that is commonly required for a successful entrepreneur is innovation. Innovativeness along with other entrepreneurial traits will ultimately lead to success. In this regard, the present study on Consumers’ opinion towards the entrepreneurial spirit of the Royal Enfield Company has been undertaken in Shivamogga city of Karnataka state. For this purpose, a total of 100 respondents are selected by adopting the convenience sampling method. The selected respondents are given a questionnaire and their responses regarding various aspects relating to the entrepreneurial spirit of the Royal Enfield Company are collected. The statistical tools namely simple percentage analysis and correlation analysis are used for analyzing the data. It is concluded that the relationship between inclusive leadership, employee trust, and organizational citizenship behavior is significant.</p> M. Kanaga D. Kathiravan Copyright (c) 2024 HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 77 80 10.15613/hijrh/2023/v10i2/45609