Infant Feeding formula Based on Chick Pea (Cicer arietinum), its Use in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhoea with Dehydration. Preliminary Communication

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  • Nutrition Unit, Department of Nutrition, University of Chile ,CL
  • Infants Unit, Roberto del Rio Hospital, North Health Area, Santiago ,CL
  • Infants Unit, Roberto del Rio Hospital, North Health Area, Santiago ,CL
  • Infants Unit, Roberto del Rio Hospital, North Health Area, Santiago ,CL
  • Infants Unit, Roberto del Rio Hospital, North Health Area, Santiago ,CL
  • Nutrition Unit, Department of Nutrition, University of Chile ,CL
  • Infants Unit, Roberto del Rio Hospital, North Health Area, Santiago ,CL
  • Infants Unit, Roberto del Rio Hospital, North Health Area, Santiago ,CL
  • Infants Unit, Roberto del Rio Hospital, North Health Area, Santiago ,CL
  • Nutrition Unit, Department of Nutrition, University of Chile ,CL


In the last decades important advances have been made in the treatment of infantile diarrhoea with dehydration, followed by a decrease in the mortality associated with the syndrome.


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How to Cite

Pak, N., Bernier, L., Duffau, G., Macaya, J., Soriano, H., Munoz, P., Hidalgo, R., Soto, A., Zerene, N., & Tagle, M. A. (1975). Infant Feeding formula Based on Chick Pea <i>(Cicer arietinum)</i>, its Use in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhoea with Dehydration. Preliminary Communication. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 12(2), 42–46. Retrieved from



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