Variations in Energy Intake in Relation to Adolescent Growth among Rural Boys

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  • Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science, Law College Road, Pune 411004 ,IN
  • Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science, Law College Road, Pune 411004 ,IN
  • Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science, Law College Road, Pune 411004 ,IN
  • Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science, Law College Road, Pune 411004 ,IN


Adolescence marks an important Phase in the Development of an individual in the Sense that it Comprises Nearly Half of the Growing Period. Significant increase in the Physical Dimensions are Observed during this Phase.


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How to Cite

Rao, S. S., Joshi, S. B., Kanade, A. N., & Kulkarni, A. R. (1989). Variations in Energy Intake in Relation to Adolescent Growth among Rural Boys. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 26(10), 288–296. Retrieved from