Nutritional Status of Tribal and Nontribal Preschoolers

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  • Department of HomeScience, All India Institute of Local Self Government, Thiruvananthapuram ,IN


The tribal people are the most conservative, orthoaox and superstitious, which Impede their growth and development in all walks of life. Most of the tribes are poor, backward and generally lead a hard and miserable life. Due to the part of developmental efforts, tribals are forced to rehabilitate in a totally new settlement. But unfortunately because of the lack of education and life of comparative exclusiveness, the scheduled tribes find these adjustments more difficult particularly in an alien location. Similarly, a sharp decline in the forest area and all forms of wild life brings in accelerated changes in their habits and practices and even in their life styles, which are not conducive for their health and well being.


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How to Cite

Hari, R. (2008). Nutritional Status of Tribal and Nontribal Preschoolers. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 45(3), 102–108. Retrieved from



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