Microbial Enrichment in Global Wastewater Niches Under Impact of Climate Change – A Computational Study

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  • Post Graduate Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata. ,IN
  • Post Graduate Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata. ,IN
  • Post Graduate Department of Microbiology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata. ,IN
  • Post Graduate Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata. ,IN


Climate Change, Wastewater, Global warming, Methane, Nitrous oxide.


With rise in industrialization and human activities, global warming and eventually climate change concerns are looming large on the face of humankind. Wastewater, being the sink for local microbial community can be assessed and analyzed as an indicator for climate change. Impacts of global warming are far-reaching and cause changes in life processes occurring in Nature, which gets reflected on the abundance of microorganisms detected in the wastewater. Greenhouse gases like Methane and Nitrous oxide, are the major players of global warming. The data used in our research was collected from rural, urban and delta region of India, regions of São Paulo, Brazil, along with domestic and industrial regions of Henan, China. The data were analyzed after thorough metagenomics study. Changes in nutrient cycling, such as carbon and nitrogen cycling, rise of several diseases and antibiotic resistance amongst the microorganisms have been detected. Increase in mean temperature of earth will also cause changes in the life processes of microorganisms and the ones which can survive outside the temperature niche of initial habitat can survive. Thus, by observing these six data sets, we aim to investigate the roles of microbes present in wastewater as an indicator for climate change.





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