Method for Assessing the Bond Strength of Dental Restorative Materials ” An Overview
Bond Strength Tests, Pus Out Bond Strength, Restorative Materials, Shear Bond Strength, Tensile Bond StrengthAbstract
Bond strengths achieved while testing in laboratories are the key for selection of adhesive systems. Longevity of a restorations can be predicted to some extent based on bond strength of adhesives. There have been several discrepancies within the reported bond strengths of various materials. Bond strength of the adhesive system is affected by a large number of factors, which makes the comparison among studies difficult. Throughout the years, laboratory evaluations have been the basis for clinicians to choose the adhesive systems in their daily practice. However the validity of bond strength tests to predict clinical performance of dental adhesives is yet to be justified. The realization of an adequate and valid method for assessing bond strength is a difficult endeavor. Different types of test have been utilized to assess the strength of a bond, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Bonding strength is the strength required to rupture a bond formed by an adhesive system and the adherent. Often, the test involves the measurement of the shear and flexural bond strength of the adhesive system. This review focuses on aspects associated to various bond strength test methods used to test the adhesion between tooth and the restorative materials and their mechanics.
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