Vitamin D in Therapeutics: Past, Present and Future

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Vitamin D, VDD- Vitamin D Deficiency, 25 Hydroxyvitamin D
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring


In the beginning of 20th century vitamin D was classified as a vitamin but later considered as a prohormone ("conditional" vitamin) which influences the expression of more than 200 genes in the human body. Worldwide vitamin D insufficiency affects about 50% of the population and in India about 80% of population has vitamin D level less than normal. In India sunshine is abundant but still Indians are deprived of this sunshine vitamin. Minimal exposure to direct sunlight, staying indoors, use of sunscreen lotions, pollution, clothing, dietary and cooking habits are most important factors for vitamin D deficiency in the Indian population. Serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D level is the initial diagnostic test in patients at risk for deficiency. Treatment with either vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 is recommended for patients having deficiency, keeping hypervitaminosis in mind.






Review Article



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