Aims & Scope
Broad areas
The journal publishes technical and professional articles of scientific merit for the following fields:
- Mines and mining of all minerals, petroleum and other energy resources,
- Minerals and ores, including product and energy minerals.
- Metallurgy, metals and metal composites,
- Petroleum, oil and gases-elemental and non-elemental types, energy related and others,
- Precious and non-precious stones, sand and soil - loose and aggregate.
- Mix of the allied fields (1-5) and new developments in the interdisciplinary areas.
Sub areas
Related to all the above broad areas the journal publishes articles in the following sub areas:
- Reconnaissance, exploration, geology and geophysics, estimation, challenges, short and long operational and strategic planning.
- Land acquisition and environmental clearance.
- Industrial and workplace laws
- Post-production processing and refining requirements for the markets.
- Financing of projects, plants, mines, produce and products.
- Organization, human resources, talent acquisition and retention, and employee welfare, etc.
- Underground and over ground mining technology, engineering, operations, safety, productivity, performance and efficiency.
- New technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning, UAVs, imaging and space applications.
- Inbound and outbound logistics for operation, hauls, shipping and port operations.
- Business and trade value chains, B2B, B2C and D2C initiatives, entrepreneurship.
- Commodity trading and blockchain applications.
- Protection to air, water and soil resources.
- Environmental and non-stakeholder social performance , waste recovery, net-zero, no net loss , complaint and bio-diversity protective operations, and green initiatives
Emerging areas
- Critical Minerals
- Battery Minerals.
- Recycling.
- Urban Mining
- Electronics and instrumentation.
- Wide area-based Automation and Machine Learning
- Mine Unmanned Terrestrial and Aerial Vehicles.
- Wide Networks
- Location Mapping, Tracing and Reconciliation Technologies.
- Responsible, Ethical and Equitable Operation and Business.
- Commerce, Trade and Strategy.
- New Business.
- Remote Operational Centers.
- Global Capability Centers
- Mineral Policies and long term agreements.
- International Trade blocks
- Mine area Biodiversity Protection.