The issue of the IWJ comes to you with a slightly new look. It shows Friction Welding of dissimilar weld joints. The cover design has been changed after four issues as per norms. However, we will invite our readers next time to send for a suitable design and finally it could be selected from all suggested designs in our G.R Committee.
The Indian Institute of Welding sagaciously organizes National and International events where from mutual benefits are drawn by all concerned. This time National weld meet (NWM 2013) is being organized by Baroda Branch on an interesting topic. Dissimilar welding which is almost common approach now in various sectors like automobiles, power plants, shipyards etc where mechanical properties are tailored to local requirement and their performance is often crucial to the function of the whole structure. For example, in automotive industry, the concept of using dissimilar functional material has derived mainly to improve fuel efficiency and reducing CO2 gas emissions.