Reclaiming of Submerged Arc Welding Slag: Comparison Between SAW Processes with and without Slag-Mix

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  • Mech. Engg., B. P. Poddar Institute of Management and Technology ,IN
  • Mech. Engg., Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700 032 ,IN
  • Mech. Engg., Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700 032 ,IN


SAW, Slag-Mix, HAZ.


Slag formed during SAW process has been collected and processed for using further in subsequent runs of Submerged Arc Welding of mild steel material. The mixture of fused flux (slag) and fresh flux has been used as an alternative of fresh flux. The percentage (by volume) of slag in the mixture of fused flux and fresh flux has been termed as slag-mix%. The aim is to observe whether any noticeable adverse effect on the features of the weldment including bead geometry, hardness of the weld metal and HAZ, tensile strength of the welded joint etc. occurs while consuming increasing percentage of slag-mix in SAW process. The present investigation leads to the idea that reconsumption of slag in SAW process does not impose any alarming adverse effect on parameters of the desired weld quality. Therefore, this technique could be recommended in practical applications to yield ‘Waste to Wealth’.





