Role of Education in Entrepreneurship Development
Education, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Process, Education Strategy, Entrepreneurship Typology, Virtual OrganizationAbstract
Introduction: Entrepreneurs are creative, innovative, risk taking, dynamic, flexible, and brave, opportunity recognizer, and leadership potentiality, and network builder, independent and self-reliant people. Entrepreneurship is a key factor on (1) Economical Growth and Development of countries (2) Providing employment and job opportunity (3) Enhancing productivity and production capabilities (4) Contributing to the high levels of creativity and innovation and (5) Creating wealth and providing educate welfare. All new ideas and knowledge should be converted to profitable and useful products and services. And education for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship should start from very early stages of childhood. This research is about role of education in Entrepreneurship development. This research is consisted of a main hypothesis based on There is a meaningful relation between education and Entrepreneurship development. Method and materials: This research has been done based on researching the key words Entrepreneurship, Education, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Process, Entrepreneurship Typology, Education Strategy and Virtual Organization. It also includes the researcher's manual attempt in journals and related materials. Conclusion:This research is a descriptive research. Based on the results of research, entrepreneurs needs be determined by Education Process., finally, has been observed that there is an average and upwardbetween, Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurship development Process.Downloads
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