Digital Competence and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Teacher Effectiveness Among Secondary School Teachers

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  • Department of Education, Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Jalandhar - 144030, Punjab ,IN
  • Department of Education, Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Jalandhar - 144030, Punjab ,IN



Digital Competence, Secondary School Teachers, Teacher Effectiveness, Teacher Self-Efficacy


The study examined the effectiveness of 200 teachers from secondary schools, ensuring equal representation with 100 teachers from government schools and 100 from private schools. The data was collected using the Teacher Effectiveness Scale by Umme Kulsum, the Digital Competence Scale by Shipra Shrivastava and Kiran Lata Dangwal and the Teacher Self-efficacy Scale by N. Ashraf and S. Jamal. The result of the study showed that teacher effectiveness is positively related to digital competence. It was also found that self-efficacy was significantly associated with the effectiveness of teachers in secondary schools. Further digital competence among teachers was found to be a stronger predictor of teacher effectiveness as compared to self-efficacy.


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Author Biography

Shaveta Sharma, Department of Education, Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Jalandhar - 144030, Punjab

Associate Professor, Department of Education.




How to Cite

Kumar, K., & Sharma, S. (2024). Digital Competence and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Teacher Effectiveness Among Secondary School Teachers. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 24(3), 239–244.



Research Article
Received 2024-02-25
Accepted 2024-03-27
Published 2024-05-16



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