Awareness About Importance of Role of Physiotherapy in Non-Referred Clinical Conditions Amongst PG Residents

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  • Krishna College of Physiotherapy, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth (deemed to be University), Satara – 415539, Maharashtra ,IN
  • Department of Community and Health Physiotherapy, Krishna College of Physiotherapy, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth (deemed to be University), Satara – 415539, Maharashtra ,IN



Awareness, Clinical Conditions, Medical PGs/ Residents, Physiotherapy


Introduction: Physiotherapy not only works on improving one’s mobility but also looks upon working on functional status, and quality of life along with management of clinical manifestations with various therapeutic measures. Still, a majority of patient inflow depends upon the referrals given by medical consultants; hence, medical students and professionals need to be aware of the importance of the role of physiotherapy in a variety of clinical cases that are not often referred for physiotherapy. Improving the level of awareness among medical professionals is the ultimate way to improve patient prognosis and an adequate patient-centric approach to gain better treatment outcomes could be achieved. Material and Methods: 107 individuals participated in this study. Responses from these individuals were taken using a questionnaire. Aim: This study aims to raise awareness about the importance of the role of physiotherapy in non-referred clinical conditions in medical PG residents. Results: Out of 107 participants approached for the review, data suggested that 81.1% of the individuals lack awareness about the importance of physiotherapy in non-referred clinical conditions, while 18.9% are aware of the same. Conclusion: Research suggests that awareness about the importance of the role of physiotherapy in non-referred clinical conditions in medical PG residents is poor. A very minor percentage of the population is aware of the importance of physiotherapy in various aspects which is not known to many.


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How to Cite

Odol, D., & Srinivasan, A. (2024). Awareness About Importance of Role of Physiotherapy in Non-Referred Clinical Conditions Amongst PG Residents. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 24(3), 259–263.



Research Article
Received 2024-02-28
Accepted 2024-04-10
Published 2024-05-16



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