Biochemical Studies on Indian Wild Legumes: (7) Effect of Acacia Arabica and Acacia Catechu Seed Protein Isolates on Total Liver Protein, Glycogen and Albumin Content, Xanthine Oxidase and Active Phosphorylase Activity in Normal Young Albino Rats

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  • Biochemistry Section, Department of Physiology, M. L. N. Medical College, Allahabad ,IN
  • Biochemistry Section, Department of Physiology, M. L. N. Medical College, Allahabad ,IN
  • Biochemistry Section, Department of Physiology, M. L. N. Medical College, Allahabad ,IN
  • Department of Physiology, M. L. N. Medical College, Allahabad ,IN


While studying the nutritional characteristics' of some Indian wild legumes it was thought of utility and interest to investigate them with respect to some of their important effects on the body systems, from a medical standpoint.


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How to Cite

Yadav, N. R., Pandey, S. R., Singh, K. N., & Bharadwaj, U. . R. (1970). Biochemical Studies on Indian Wild Legumes: (7) Effect of Acacia Arabica and Acacia Catechu Seed Protein Isolates on Total Liver Protein, Glycogen and Albumin Content, Xanthine Oxidase and Active Phosphorylase Activity in Normal Young Albino Rats. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 7(4), 223–227. Retrieved from



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