Building a National Food Security System

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  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi ,IN
  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi ,IN


It is increasingly becoming evident from the food production data at global level, that the world food production is sufficient to feed the millions who are to-day malnourished, provided there is equitable distribution. It is in this context that the World Food Congress held in Rome in November 1974 passed a resolution for ensuring that by 1984 no child goes to bed hungry and no man's physical and mental capacity be allowed to be stunted due to malnutrition. This pious resolution gave hopes of international action for building up an International Food Security System. This talk of International Food Security System is not new since the concept is nearly 30 years old.


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How to Cite

Swaminathan, M. S., & Nagarajan, V. (1979). Building a National Food Security System. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 16(3), 83–87. Retrieved from



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