Studies on Utilisation of Sorghum Flour for Biscuits

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  • Lakshminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur ,IN
  • Lakshminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur ,IN
  • Lakshminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur ,IN


The wheat flour, commonly known as "maida" - is most widely used for the pre. paration of biscuits. Soft flour is suitable, because unlike bread, gluten network is not a pre-requisite for biscuits. In the present work, attempt has been made to utilise flours of three varieties of sorghum, alone or in combination with the wheat flour in different proportions, in order to find out the suitability of the variety for the preparation of biscuits. Earlier work indicated that the cookies prepared from sorghum and millet flour lacked the spread, had a poor top grain character, were dense and compact, and were gritty and mealy in taste.


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How to Cite

Sarode, R. N., Shastri, P. N., & Rao, B. Y. (1983). Studies on Utilisation of Sorghum Flour for Biscuits. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 20(7), 213–215. Retrieved from



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