Microgrid: Protection Problems for Smart Energy Management – A Comprehensive Review

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  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., N.I.T.M.A.S., 9/33A, Netaji Nagar, Kolkata 700092 ,IN




Adaptive Protection, Grid-Connected Mode, Islanded Mode, Microgrid, Over Current Protection.


The conventional unidirectional radial distribution system uses non-directional overcurrent relays, reclosers, fuses etc, as the protection devices. When a microgrid is formed in this distribution system, then all these devices become inadequate to fulfill the basic requirements for the complete protection. The microgrid causes the magnitude and direction of the fault current to change dynamically depending on the modes of operation (grid connected or autonomous mode) as well as type, number and position of distributed generators in the network. The microgrid in the existing distribution network turns the radial network more complicated. The researchers are studying various options of the microgrid protection. It is a major challenge of researchers to address protection issues which are hindrances to detect and clear the fault within the microgrid quickly ensuring minimum or no supply of energy disruption to its consumers. The present paper reports the comprehensive survey on existing research literatures in connection with various issues of microgrid protection and, hopefully, it would be useful to the researchers in the field of microgrid protection in finding relevant references and designing state-of-the-art methods.


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How to Cite

Basu, A. K. (2018). Microgrid: Protection Problems for Smart Energy Management – A Comprehensive Review. Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development, 68(5&6), 63–70. https://doi.org/10.18311/ijprvd/2018/44932



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