Efficacy of augmentative release of the parasitoid wasp Bracon hebetor against the pearl millet headminer
Augmentative release, biological control, Bracon hebetor, millet headminer, pearl milletAbstract
The yield losses in pearl millet, estimated to be about 85%, are mainly due to millet headminer, Heliocheilus albipunctella. This study is aimed at determining the status of this serious insect pest in the pearl millet production system within the groundnut basin of Senegal and to assess the efficacy of augmentative releases of its parasitoid wasp, Bracon hebetor, to control it. The study area was divided into three homogenous blocks (Northern, Southern and Eastern parts) where a set of three villages was selected for release of the parasitoid and another three as control villages where no releases were made. The results revealed that in all the villages where the parasitoid was released, an increase in larval mortality due to parasitism ranging between 9% and 26% was recorded in comparison with the control villages. Consequently, damages recorded were significantly lower in the villages with parasitoid releases.
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Accepted 2019-07-16
Published 2019-12-05
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