Antagonistic efficacy of Trichoderma isolates against soil-borne plant pathogens, Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizoctonia solani
Antagonistic activity, inhibition, soil borne pathogens, Trichoderma spp.Abstract
Trichoderma spp. are long been recognized as efficient fungal biocontrol agents for the control of plant disease and for their ability to increase plant growth and development. Management of soil borne diseases has become very much important since it causes high crop yield losses. The present study was carried out to isolate Trichoderma spp. from soil samples collected from different locations of Kerala and to test their in vitro efficacy against soil borne pathogens viz., Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizoctonia solani. The Trichoderma spp. was isolated on Trichoderma Selective Medium (TSM) and observed that the isolates differed in radial growth and colony characters such as colony colour, texture and sporulation. In vitro studies revealed the potential of Trichoderma isolates against soil borne pathogens. Isolates TRPN3 and TRPN7 exhibited no sporulation and white mycelial colour. Isolates which completed their growth at four days after inoculation include TRKR1, TRPN3, TRPN7, TRPN10 and TRPN18. Biocontrol activities against different pathogens resulted in inhibition of pathogens. Maximum inhibition percentage was observed by the isolates TRPN7, TRPN15 and TRKR2 against both the pathogens. The maximum inhibition exhibited against both the pathogens is due to the antagonistic property displayed by the isolates.
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Accepted 2021-12-26
Published 2022-03-01
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