Azoospermia: Etiology, Diagnosis and Management

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  • Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Manmohan IVF Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal ,NP
  • Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu ,IN



Azoospermia, Male Infertility, Non-obstructive Azoospermia (NOA), Obstructive Azoospermia (OA), Sperm, Sperm Retrieval (SR) Techniques.


Male infertility is on the rise over the past few years, and azoospermia is one of the most common causes. It has two primary subtypes: non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA), where the spermatogenesis is hindered, and obstructive azoospermia (OA), when there appears to be a ductal obstruction while spermatogenesis is normal. Azoospermia is characterised by the absence of sperm in two or more ejaculates. Making the azoospermic man have his own biological child is now becoming a reality with the advent of TESE and ICSI procedures, followed by the latest advancements like the combination of imaging studies, Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography (FFOCT), stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and gene therapy, which are emerging as newer tools for effective treatment. The key aim of this article is to highlight the concept of azoospermia and focus on its evaluation and management through present-day developments in andrology and medically assisted reproduction (MAR). A detailed literature review is performed through Pubmed, Science Direct, the Online Library, and Scopus.


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Author Biographies

Thomas Vadingadu Munaswamy, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu




Krishnavignesh Lakshmanan, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu




Shatakshi Kulshreshtha, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu




Smisha Sridev, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu



Deepa Onnarakatt, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu



Chunumila Maharjan, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Manmohan IVF Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal



Abinaya Ramkumar, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute, Chennai – 600029, Tamil Nadu






How to Cite

Munaswamy, T. V., Lakshmanan, K., Kulshreshtha, S., Sridev, S., Onnarakatt, D., Maharjan, C., & Ramkumar, A. (2024). Azoospermia: Etiology, Diagnosis and Management. Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction, 28(1), 13–33.



Review Article



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