Instructions to Authors

Minimum Standards for Submission
  • Submitted paper must be in English language.
  • Manuscript must be submitted in MS WORD format only.
  • Manuscript must be prepared fully following the journal’s author guidelines.

Guidelines for Submission

    1. Length
    2. Full-length research manuscripts must be in the size of 4500 words to 7500 words. While a case study can have about 3000 words to 5000 words.
    3. Mode of Submission
    4. All submissions to the journal should be made through the online submission portal of the journal.
    5. No Publication Charges
    6. The journal does not charge either article submission fee or article processing/publication charge. Hence the submission and publication of articles in the journal are free of any cost.
    7. Journal Subscription
    8. Authors desiring to have hard copies of the journal are advised to buy the copies as per the rates. For details, refer to the subscription policy.
    9. Anti-Plagiarism Policy
    10. The journal follows a strong anti-plagiarism policy and all manuscripts submitted to the SDMIMD JOM must pass through a plagiarism check. The journal uses globally accepted Turnitin software for this purpose. The threshold for the similarity rate is 20 percent. Only those articles that qualify this test are considered suitable for preliminary review by the editorial desk and those considered suitable will be sent to the peer review process.
    11. Review Process
    12. Manuscripts submitted to the SDMIMD Journal of Management need to pass through a rigorous review process. Initially, manuscripts are desk reviewed by the editorial board to assess the suitability. If the articles qualify the initial screening process, they are referred to the blind review by experts. Based on the comments by the experts, the editorial board will take one of the decisions: accept, reject or need revision and the same is communicated to the corresponding author.
    13. Timeline of Review
    14. The average time duration involved from the submission to publication is about 4 months.
    15. Publication Process
      The publication process is as outlined in the figure.
    16. ‘Online First’ Publication
    17. In order to reduce the waiting time for the author, the accepted article appears ‘online first’ on the journal website after standard formatting and proofreading.

Preparation of Manuscript

  • Font & Size
Times New Roman with sizes of Heading (14), Subheading (12), and Section titles (11 un-bold &Italics) font with 1.5 line spacing must be followed throughout the manuscript. Headings, sub-headings and section titles are required to be numbered appropriately. Numbering must be given as follows., For example - 3. Research Methods, 3.1 Data, 3.1.1 Sampling Method.
  • Language & Grammar Check
The journal considers submissions that are only in English. Authors are advised to follow British English. The reporting style of the submitted article should have a clear and research style of communication/presentation. Before submitting, the manuscript must be spell-checked completely and be edited fully following the aspects of scientific writing.
  • Abbreviations
Abbreviations to be defined when they first appear in the text. Once abbreviated, the same must be used throughout the manuscript.
  • Structure and Formatting Requirements
A manuscript must have segments such as Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any), and References. Strictly do not provide footnotes. Instead, authors are encouraged to present end notes, if required, with proper numbering. End notes are meant to provide further details/definitions or technical aspects relating to a specific word or concept used in the main body.
  • Content of submission
The first page of the manuscript (title page) shall include the Title, Author details, Abstract and Keywords. The manuscript from the second page (main body) shall start from the Introduction.

Particulars Specifications
Title The title must be specific to reflect the core objectives of the research work. (16 Font Size Bold)
Abstract A concise abstract highlighting the important aspects of the research for about 250-300 words is required. Since an abstract, is often presented separately from the article, it must be able to stand alone. The abstract should be structured and have the following five sections: Background, Objectives, Methodology, Key Findings, Implications/Significance.
Keywords The manuscript must have 4 to 6 keywords characterizing the scope of the paper. Key words must be written Title case separated by comma.
Introduction The introduction section must present the pretext and the need for the study.
Literature Review The literature review section must include a discussion on extensive research works performed on the topic of the research. Citing very recent works of literature adds more value to the manuscript. The final part of the review section must synthesize the key findings and point out research gap and link to the objectives of your research work.
Methods The methods section must discuss the methodological aspects used for the analysis of the research. Justify why a particular method is incorporated in the analysis. Nature of the study, data collection method, sources of data, description to the variables as applicable, timeline, and tools used for analysis should be legibly reported in this section.
Results and Discussions The results and discussion section must elaborate on the findings of the research analysis substantiated by the outputs of the method used. Further, the manuscript must cite relevant works of literature which support and contradicts the results of the research work. Non-technical discussions for technical/statistical results must be presented with possible causes and effects, as applicable.
Conclusion The conclusion section must broadly summarize the overall findings and discussions of the research work. It should also include the key implications/significance of the findings, followed by novelty of the study or its outcome. Justification of how the article adds to the knowledge and practical world is essential. The final part of the conclusion must include the scope of further research.
Acknowledgment (if any) Acknowledgments, if any, must be given in a few lines.
References (7th edition of APA citation guidelines) In-text citations of
single author article:
  1. Parenthetical citations: Author (s) and the date, separated by a comma, appear in parentheses for a parenthetical citation. e.g., (Peter, 2022).
  2. Narrative citations: E.g., Peter (2022) examined the results of the previous studies to support this finding.

two authors articles:
  1. Parenthetical citations: …. (Peter & Paul, 2022
  2. Narrative citations: Peter and Paul (2022) examined…
more than three authors articles:
  1. Parenthetical citations: (Peter et al., 2022)
  2. Narrative citations: Peter et al. (2022)

citing more than one citation in Parentheses
(Peter & Paul, 2022; Jenson, 2021)

Works excluded from the reference list
  1. Personal communications, like emails, and text messages, are cited in the text only not in the reference list because readers cannot retrieve them from anywhere in the public domain.
  2. General mentions of whole websites, whole periodicals, software, and applications need not be referenced.
Reference Examples

Textual Works
Case of single author

Yelinek, J. (2020). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.

Case of Two authors

Kanfer, F. H., & Busemeyer, J. R. (1982). The use of problem-solving and decision-making in behavior therapy. Clinical Psychology Review, 2(2), 239-266.

Case of more than two authors

Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.


Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books


Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times.


Asian Boss. (2020, June 5). World’s leading vaccine expert fact-checks COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy: Stay curious #22 [Video]. YouTube.


Bologna, C. (2019, October 31). Why some people with anxiety love watching horror movies. HuffPost.

Published in book form

Cismas, S. C. (2010). Educating academic writing skills in engineering. In P. Dondon & O. Martin (Eds.), Latest trends on engineering education(pp. 225-247). WSEAS Press

Published in Conference proceedings or Journal form

Chaudhuri, S., & Biswas, A. (2017). External terms-of-trade and labor market imperfections in developing countries: Theory and evidence. Proceedings of the Academy of Economics and Economic Education, 20(1), 11-16.

Annexure Additional data or technical explanations can be presented in Annexure section by numbering them appropriately and discussions of main body may have reference to the annexure citing the number.
Tables and Figures Tables and figures must be following the standard format throughout the manuscript. Every table and figure must be numbered and titled appropriately. They must begin with ‘Table 1 or Figure 1 (bold) ‘followed by the title of the table or figure. All the tables and figures must be cited in the text. Tables and figures should be in editable format. All figures/graphs/pictures/maps should be of high resolution. Tables and figures must be placed appropriately in the body of the manuscript.