Employee Retention- A Post-Pandemic Challenge for HR- A Case Study on Private Limited Company

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  • Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, CMR School of Management, Bangalore - 560043, Karnataka ,IN
  • Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, CMR School of Management, Bangalore - 560043, Karnataka ,IN




Autonomy, Furlough, Hybrid Working, Moonlighting, Private Limited Company, Retention, Work from Home


Human Resource Management (HRM) has roles from recruiting to supporting employment apart from building a positive workplace environment. While the post-pandemic economic situation is slightly improving at a snail’s speed, retention of skilled employees has become the greatest challenge for employers. During the pandemic, many small firms had no liquidity to sustain and retain their employees. Many retention practices are routinely implemented by small and big firms. Quantitative data was collected by non-probability method, a self-administered questionnaire with 5-point Likert scales distributed to respondents’ sample size of 295. By multiple regression analysis, it is found that compensation, job satisfaction and autonomy are significant to employee retention. The study objective is to understand the relationship between the effectiveness of human resources practice on employee retention. This study should be able to give a bird’s eye view of which construct to relate to retaining their employees.


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Bal, B., & Anitha, B. (2024). Employee Retention- A Post-Pandemic Challenge for HR- A Case Study on Private Limited Company. SDMIMD Journal of Management, 15, 27–42. https://doi.org/10.18311/sdmimd/2024/36442






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