Consumer Evaluation of Tofu, Tempeh, Curd and "Meal Maker" in Rural and Urban Areas

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  • University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore - 560 024 ,IN
  • University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore - 560 024 ,IN
  • University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore - 560 024 ,IN


Soybean being referred many times as ''golden bean", "wonder bean", is a boon to solve protein malnutrition. But it is still not clear whether soybean products would be eaten by the consumers if made available today everywhere in this country. Because, this bean is not being used as extensively as other types of beans and pulses in the daily diet of Indian. There is a need to study the feasibility of introducing selected soy products by evaluating consumer acceptance. Therefore, in this study, the products selected were from three home-cum-commercially oriented type and one of textured vegetable product from soybean (extrusion cooked soy nuggets).


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How to Cite

Vaidehi, M. P., Vijayalakshmi, D., & Annapurna, M. L. (1985). Consumer Evaluation of Tofu, Tempeh, Curd and "Meal Maker" in Rural and Urban Areas. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 22(6), 190–193. Retrieved from



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