Supplementation Studies with Soy Protein Isolate Based Food Mix on 1-2 Years Old Malnourished Children-1. Improvements in their Anthropometric Parameters
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In India, Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) among children under five years still constitutes a major public health problem. Among various other factors, poor infant feeding and weaning practices in a large measure contribute towards this grave situation. Generally, the weaning diets of the low income families are often cereal gruels or regular family diet with or without small quantities of pulses. When the calorie need itself is not adequately met, even the small amount of protein available is utilised for the energy needs resulting in inadequacies of both protein and calories along with other micronutrients.Downloads
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How to Cite
Chandrasekhar, U., & Hilda Sahaya Rani, W. (2004). Supplementation Studies with Soy Protein Isolate Based Food Mix on 1-2 Years Old Malnourished Children-1. Improvements in their Anthropometric Parameters. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 41(8), 324–336. Retrieved from
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