Molecular Diversity and Antibiotic Sensitivity of Gut Bacterial Symbionts of Fruit Fly, Bactrocera tau Walker
Bacterial Symbionts, Bactrocera tau, recA gene, rrs gene, RAPD and REP–PCR Analysis.Abstract
Random amplified polymorphic DNA-Repetitive extragenic palindromic (RAPD- REP) PCR-restriction length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) were used to study the genetic similarity among bacterial symbionts of fruit fly, Bactrocera tau Walker. RAPD-PCR and REP-PCR placed three bacteria into two groups, viz., group A (BC1 and BC3) and group B (BC2). However, PCR- RFLP analysis of recA and rrs genes of bacterial symbiont placed BC1 and BC2 into group A and BC3 into group B. Studies on antibiotic sensitivity pattern also supported the results of PCR-RFLP as the response of BC1 and BC2 was similar to different antibiotics. All the bacterial symboints were found to be sensitive to co-trimoxazole, gentamycene and nofloxacin. The findings suggest that there may be a possibility of utilising these antibiotics for disruption of fruit fly biology as foliar symbioticides for their management.Downloads
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