The Closure Operator, Flats and Hyperplanes of es-Splitting Matroid

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Binary Matroid, es-splitting operation, closure operator, ats, hyperplanes
Primary, 05B35


The es-splitting operation on binary matroids is a natural generalization of Slater's n-line splitting operation on graphs. In this paper, we characterize the closure operator of the es-splitting binary matroid MeX in terms of the closure operator of the original binary matroid M. We also describe the ats and the hyperplanes of the es-splitting bi- nary matroid MeX in terms of the ats and the hyperplanes, respectively of the original binary matroid M.


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How to Cite

Malavadkar, P. P., Dhotre, S. B., & Shikare, M. M. (2021). The Closure Operator, Flats and Hyperplanes of es-Splitting Matroid. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 88(3-4), 334–345.
Received 2021-05-19
Accepted 2021-05-19
Published 2021-06-14



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