Convex-Cyclicity and K-Transitivity Of Semigroups of Operators on Finite and Infinite Dimensional Spaces

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  • Department of Mathematics, H.N.B. Garhwal Central University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand ,IN



Convex-cyclic operator, E-convex-cyclic operator, Convex cone transitive, Somewhere dense orbits
47A16, 37B05


We study convex-cyclicity, various weak notions of convexcyclicity, and their relation to somewhere density. Further, we give another proof that does not use the structure theorem of the result that there does not exist a k-transitive semigroup T of matrices for k ≥ 2 given by Adlene Ayadi.


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How to Cite

Kumar, A. (2024). Convex-Cyclicity and K-Transitivity Of Semigroups of Operators on Finite and Infinite Dimensional Spaces. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 91(1-2), 83–94.
Received 2022-04-18
Accepted 2022-10-12
Published 2024-01-01



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