Extended Chebyshev Wavelet of First Kind and its Applications in Approximation of a Function Belonging to Holder's Class and Solution of Fredholm Integral Equation of Second Kind

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  • Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi ,IN
  • Department of Mathematics, School of Basic Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida ,IN




Hα[0, 1), Hα,χ[0, 1), Hϕ[0, 1) Class, Extended Chebyshev Wavelet of the First Kind and Fredholm Integral Equation of Second Kind.


In this paper, six approximations of solution functions of the Fredholm integral equation in H¨older’s class by first kind extended Chebyshev wavelet expansion in the interval [0, 1) have been estimated. The solutions of the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind by extended Chebyshev wavelets of the first kind have been obtained. The solutions obtained by an extended Chebyshev wavelet of the first kind are approximately the same as their exact solutions. This is a significant achievement of this research paper in wavelet analysis.


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How to Cite

Lal, S., & Yadav, H. C. (2024). Extended Chebyshev Wavelet of First Kind and its Applications in Approximation of a Function Belonging to Holder’s Class and Solution of Fredholm Integral Equation of Second Kind. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 91(3-4), 400–415. https://doi.org/10.18311/jims/2024/32091
Received 2022-12-01
Accepted 2023-09-08
Published 2024-07-01



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