Fractal Contact Mechanic Behaviour of Base Structural Steels in Abrasion

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  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru - 570028, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru - 570028, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru - 570028, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, BGSIT, Adichunchangiri University, BG Nagara - 571418, Karnataka ,IN



Tribological Behaviour, Abrasion, Structural Steel, Scanning Electron Microscope etc.


Inelastic behaviour and fracture in the metals act as a major failure leading to permanent breakage of the machine elements. Such a type of failures may cause from variety of loading and forces and tribological behaviour is also one of the phenomena. Tribological failures may cause when two rubbing surfaces are abraded depending on the loading. In the present study abrasion studies were done on the three base structural steels namely mild steel, cast iron, high carbon high chromium steel and heat resistant steel. Materials are subjected varied normal loading, time and different velocities of abrader. Volume loss was found out and inelastic and damage behaviour were studied in scanning electron microscope. It was found that volume loss was depending on hardness and volume loss increases with increasing in normal load and abrader. Various wear modes were found along with little fracture in the subsurface.


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How to Cite

Chethan, S., Srinivasa, K., Hemanth , B. R., & Hemaraju. (2023). Fractal Contact Mechanic Behaviour of Base Structural Steels in Abrasion. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 70(10A), 247–253.



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