Preparation of Manuscript
All original research articles should be structured in the following manner.
1. Covering Letter
In addition to the general details (name, address and contact details including mobile number of the corresponding author), it should mention in brief what is already known about this subject and what new is added by the submitted work.
- Title of the paper.
- Authors' initials and names
- An abstract (not exceeding 10 lines) which should be most informative, giving clear indications of the nature and range of the results contained in the paper, and should not duplicate the conclusions.
- 3 to 4 keywords
The title should be concise and reflect the entire work of the submitted manuscript.
Below the title, all author names should be mentioned along with Affiliation of each author. Affiliation details should include
- Department, University or Organization, City, State and Country for all authors.
- Each author affiliation should be identified by a superscript small numeral.
- Author for correspondence should be indicated by an asterisk.
- Provide full address including e-mail, fax, and telephone no of Author for correspondence.
- Abstracts need not be in structured format.
- It should clearly state the purpose of the work, methods used, key findings and major conclusion drawn from the work in no more than 500 words.
- Use of abbreviations in abstract should be avoided however if essential should be expanded at its first appearance.
- The author should provide 3 to 6 keywords, characterizing the scope of the paper
- Keywords should be written in title case and separated by comma.
- Avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of').
- Authors to number the article headings in Arabic style format.
- Headings should follow title case, meaning that all words except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions should be capitalized.
- All botanical names should be in italics.
For example: 1. Finite Element Modelling (FEM)
1.1 Model Description
State the background and mention clearly the objective of the present work.
Materials and Methods
- All methods used should be clearly mentioned to allow other researchers to reproduce your work.
- Wherever required, give correct formula used for calculation of the results.
Human & Animal Rights:
While reporting experiments on human subjects, you should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 that was revised in 2000. (
- Do not use names or initials of patients or hospitals and/or hospital telephone numbers especially in illustrative material.
- While reporting experiments on animals, indicate whether you adhered to the guidelines of an institution or national research council governing the care and use of laboratory animals.
Studies based on clinical trials:
Authors should register all the clinical trials in a Primary Clinical Trial Registry. The Registration number must be given in Materials and Methods section. Authors can register in following trial register:
Reporting Guidelines for Specific Study Designs
- Results obtained in the study should be subjected to appropriate statistical methods and presented clearly.
- The findings should never be discussed in this section.
- It should comprise of rationale and relevance of the present study along with the existing literature.
- Discuss the lacuna in the area and to how much extent the present study answered the research question and give future directions for further research.
- Please avoid repeating the Results of your studies under this section.
- Give the major conclusion from the present study.
- This section may stand alone or be clubbed together with discussion.
Acknowledge all those people who have helped during the work by providing facilities, personal assistance and funding if any.
Reference List
- This should only contain references to those works which you have cited in your text.
- It should appear at the end of your text. It should be arranged numerically by citation number.
- Tables should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text.
- They should be embedded in appropriate locations as per the text along with the captions.
- Place Legends for tables below the table body and indicate them with lowercase letters in superscript.
- Avoid vertical rules and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.
- Please note that tables embedded as Excel files within the manuscript are NOT accepted.
- Tables in Excel should be copied and pasted into the manuscript Word file.
- These must be numbered and cited in the text.
- Mark clearly in the margin of the manuscript where the figure is to be inserted and do not embed in the text.
- All figures should be in TIFF.
- A minimum resolution of 300 dpi is required, except for line art which should be 1200 dpi. Histograms should be presented in a simple, two-dimensional format,with no background grid. Do not supply figures of low resolution.
- Supply figure captions separately and not attached to the figure.
- The legends should be provided along with the figures.