Intra"‘aural Route of Insecticide Poisoning

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Insecticide poisoning, intra"‘aural route, unusual route


Organophosphate (OP) compounds are commonly ingested with the intention of deliberate self"‘harm. Parenteral route of OP compound exposure is an uncommon yet significant source of toxicity. Deliberate injections via intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous routes and accidental dermal absorption due to occupational exposure have been described earlier. We report an unusual case of intentional insecticide poisoning by pouring the OP compound into both ears. This was successfully treated with aural irrigation using normal saline and prompt administration of the antidote.


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How to Cite

Kundavaram, P. P. A., Majumdar, S., & Das, S. (2018). Intra"‘aural Route of Insecticide Poisoning. Toxicology International, 20(2), 192–193. Retrieved from



Case Report
Received 2018-08-09
Accepted 2018-08-09
Published 2018-08-09



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