Effect of Cymbopogon schoenanthus L. Spreng Extract on Gentamicin-Induced Renal Toxicity in Rats

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  • Faculty of Nature Sciences and Life, El Oued University. PO Box 789, 39000 ,DZ
  • Biology, Environment and Health Laboratory, El Oued University, PO Box 789, 39000 ,DZ
  • Department of Biology, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Applications of Biotechnology in the Agriculture Field, University of Echahid Hama Lakhdar, El-Oued ,DZ
  • Faculty of Nature Sciences and Life, El Oued University. PO Box 789, 39000 ,DZ
  • ,DZ
  • Department of Biology, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Applications of Biotechnology in the Agriculture Field, University of Echahid Hama Lakhdar, El-Oued ,DZ




Cymbopogon schoenanthus, Gentamicin, Nephroprotective Activity, Poaceae, Polyphenols


This study’s objective is to assess phytochemicals content and the protective effect of Cymbopogon schoenanthus hydroethanolic extract on gentamicin-induced renal toxicity in rats. Phytoconstituents were determined by using colorimetric tests. Three methods were used for the evaluation of antioxidant activity. The experiment used gentamicin in six different groups of albino rats. The biochemical analysis of current results displayed a significant reduction in blood urea and creatinine in groups intoxicated with gentamicin and administered two doses of the extract. While the concentration of total proteins and albumins has been increased. In addition, this plant decreased oxidative stress which was translated into a decrease in malondialdehyde content, and increased levels of antioxidant parameters, consequently an improvement in kidney functions. This study revealed a higher content of phenolic compounds, greater antioxidant activity and nephroprotective qualities of Cymbopogon shoenanthus extract for the first time.


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Author Biography

Ouarda Tliba


1 Faculty of Nature sciences and Life, El Oued University. PO Box 789. 39000 . Algeria



How to Cite

Ramdane, F., Kadri, M., Mekhadmi, N. E. H., Atousi, A., Tliba, O., & Mahammed, M. H. (2024). Effect of <i>Cymbopogon schoenanthus</i> L. Spreng Extract on Gentamicin-Induced Renal Toxicity in Rats. Toxicology International, 31(3), 391–398. https://doi.org/10.18311/ti/2024/v31i3/35368
Received 2023-10-16
Accepted 2024-04-14
Published 2024-07-10



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