Supplementary Value of a Low Cost Protein Food Based on a Blend of Wheat and Soyabean Flours to Poor Indian Diets Based on Wheat and Kaffir Corn
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Wheat and Kaffir corn (Sorghum vulgare) are the important cereals consumed as staple food by the low income groups, of the population in different parts of India. Studies carried out by different workers have shown that diets based on the above cereals promote moderate growth in rats and are lacking in proteins, certain essential vitamins and minerals. Owing t o the shortage in the supply of milk and other animal foods to the low income groups, efforts have been made by several workers to develop low cost protein foods based on oil seed meals and legumes for use as supplements to these diets.Downloads
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How to Cite
Narayanaswamy, D., Kurien, S., Daniel, V. A., Swaminathan, M., & Parpia, H. A. B. (1971). Supplementary Value of a Low Cost Protein Food Based on a Blend of Wheat and Soyabean Flours to Poor Indian Diets Based on Wheat and Kaffir Corn. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 8(6), 309–314. Retrieved from
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