Herbal Wisdom of Ayurveda: Remedies for Optimal Oral Health

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  • Department of Pharmacy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara - 391760, Gujarat ,IN
  • Department of Pharmacy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara - 391760, Gujarat ,IN
  • Department of Pharmacy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara - 391760, Gujarat ,IN




Ayurvedic Medicinal System, Dietary Guidelines, Herbal Approach


This review explores the rich heritage of Ayurveda, a holistic medicinal system that has evolved over thousands of years, and its integration into modern dental care practices. From the ancient tradition of oil pulling to the use of herbal chewing sticks and traditional herbs like neem, clove, turmeric, liquorice, Aloe vera, peppermint, sage, and tea tree oil, Ayurveda offers a diverse array of potential solutions for oral health issues. Scientific findings, dietary guidelines, and holistic oral care practices are meticulously examined, emphasizing the potential benefits of these natural remedies in avoiding and managing conditions, Such as tooth decay, gum disease and gingivitis. The review underscores the need for ongoing scientific research to validate the efficacy of these herbal remedies while highlighting the promising results observed thus far. Embracing a comprehensive approach that combines herbal wisdom, dietary guidelines, and holistic oral care practices may contribute to achieving and maintaining optimal oral health.


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How to Cite

Gohil, D., Patel, K., & Maheshwari, R. (2024). Herbal Wisdom of <i>Ayurveda</i>: Remedies for Optimal Oral Health. Journal of Natural Remedies, 24(7), 1499–1504. https://doi.org/10.18311/jnr/2024/44247



Short Review


Received 2024-05-28
Accepted 2024-06-26
Published 2024-07-31



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